Taxation Services

Strategic advisers for excellence.

Our services will help to minimise your tax exposure and relieve you of the administrative burden. We will evaluate your business to understand the most tax-efficient structure for your business, ensure you are taking advantage of available reliefs and help you to meet the rigorous demands of compliance, and we can act on your behalf in communications with the tax authorities.

Affleck Accountancy will complete all necessary tax computations and will tell you when the tax liability needs to be paid.

Whether you’re looking for a personal tax accountant or tax support for your company, we’ve got the experience and the resources to meet your requirements.

Our Comprehensive Tax Services Include

Personal Tax Returns

If you are a Sole Trader, Property Landlord, High Earner or need to report High Income Child Benefit or Investment Income, then you may need to submit a Self Assessment Tax Return.

We can prepare and submit your Self Assessment Tax Return for you to include all your relevant income sections within your personal tax return, ensuring your tax return is fully compliant and submitted by the filing deadline.

Directors Tax Returns

Directors of Limited Companies with Director Salary and Dividends to reports need to submit a Self Assessment Tax Return to report their Income to HMRC.

We can prepare and submit your Self Assessment Tax Return for you to include all your relevant income sections, ensuring your tax return is fully compliant and submitted by the filing deadline.

Limited Company Corporation Tax Returns

All Limited companies have a requirement to submit a Limited Company Corporation Tax Return (CT600) to HMRC within 12-months of their company year end. Any Corporation Tax due on the profits would also need to be paid across to HMRC within 9-months of the year end.

We will prepare your CT600 Corporation Tax Return and Calculate any Corporation Tax due ensuring all relevant reliefs are claimed and we will inform you of the relevant submission and payment dates. Ensuring your Corporation Tax Return is fully compliant and submitted by the filing deadline

Capital Gains Tax (CGT)

If you make a Capital Disposal, you may be liable to Capital Gains Tax, this could be on the disposal of an asset or perhaps investment shares.

We will assist you with preparing your Capital Gains calculations, claiming any relevant reliefs to be included in your Personal Tax Return to report the gain to HMRC.

Residential Property Disposal Returns

If you dispose of UK Land and Property, you may need to report the disposal to HMRC on a separate 60-day reporting form and Pay CGT within 60 days of the date of completion.

We will assist you with preparing your UK Property CGT calculations, claiming any relevant reliefs, setting up your UK Property Disposal Account with HMRC, and submitting the UK Property Return to HMRC and informing you of CGT payable and how to pay this.

We also include the UK Property Disposal in your Self Assessment Tax Return with all relevant reference numbers to show the prior reporting and payment of your property.

Inheritance Tax Advice

Inheritance Tax is a tax on your estate and is only payable on estates above a certain amount at 40% Tax Rate. Currently the Inheritance Tax Threshold (or Nil Rate Band) is £325,000 and if you own your own home there is also the Main Residence Nil Rate Band of £175,000.

If you require any advice on the impact of Inheritance Tax or ways to manage, reduce or eliminate your exposure to IHT, please do get in touch.